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Don Jackson: Life saving transplant fundraising gig

Sunday, 19 March 2023

13:30 - 23:59
The Vaults, York

Musicians from across York will be taking part in a second fundraising gig for Don Jackson, who is facing the prospect of six weeks of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in Turkey.

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Musician Don originally hoped to undergo a life-saving liver transplant op last month after more than £40,000 was raised to pay for his treatment. The NHS had refused to do the operation in the UK because lesions on his liver were too big.


But it was revealed at the weekend that Don's hopes of a transplant were dealt a devastating blow after doctors found further cancerous tumours in his neck and oesophagus .

He is currently undergoing six weeks of radiotherapy and chemotherapy to deal with the neck and throat tumours, alongside injections into his liver to hopefully shrink the lesions there. If they do shrink, Don could re-apply for a transplant in the UK.

Another fundraising gig to help fund his treatments, is to be held at York Vaults on Nunnery Lane on Sunday, 19 March, kicks off at 1.30pm. Entry is free, but staff members will be passing round donation buckets.


Lots of bands and artists are playing at the event. They have all volunteered, citing their respect and admiration of Don Jackson as their reason for attending. So far, the line-up includes The Mothers, The Herbs, The Speakeasy Blues Band, Miles & the Chain gang and CopOwt, as well as solo musicians Johnie White, Alistair Lawrence, Heidi Widdop and Simon Parkinson.


The Vaults
Nunnery Lane

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The event runs from 13:30 to 23:59 on the following dates.
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  • Ray Milligan

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