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Privacy Policy


Data protection legislation (which includes the General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR]) places obligations on us, Jorvik Radio Limited (trading as ‘Jorvik Radio’) on how we handle your personal information. This Privacy Policy details the types of Personal Data we collect, why we collect it, what we use it for, how we protect it and what your rights are.

We regularly review this Privacy Policy and may change this from time to time to ensure it is up-to-date. Please be sure to regularly check this Privacy Policy as it may change without notice.

Jorvik Radio Limited is registered in England (No: 10876201) at The Centre @ Burnholme, Mossdale Avenue, York, England, YO31 0HA. We keep our privacy policy under regular review.

This notice was last updated on 17/03/2023.


What Personal Data do we collect?

There are two kinds of Personal Data we collect:

The first is personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, email address, date of birth, and phone number. This is collected under consent when you either:

•          enter an agreement with us (either commercial or as a volunteer);

•          enter a contest;

•          post a comment or blog;

•          submit or record a video;

•          enter a chat room or bulletin board; or

•          opt to receive a newsletter from Jorvik Radio.

You will be agreeing to the collection, use and distribution of your Personal Data by Jorvik Radio for the purposes of running the contest and marketing (for example, a contest sponsor may contact you about a prize you may have won). We may also collect any other information that you voluntarily provide us such as your personal preferences (i.e. favourite movie), hobbies, occupation and interests. Personally identifiable information is only collected when you provide this information to us voluntarily. You can amend, modify, delete or access your Personal Data at any time (see the section of your rights below). We do not collect any Personal Data from any child that is under thirteen years of age.

The other type of Personal Data we collect is non-identifiable Personal Data or aggregated information such as your IP address and details about your web browser or internet service provider. This is information that cannot be traced back to you and is collected for statistical purposes under Jorvik Radio’s legitimate interest. Non-identifiable information includes anonymous aggregated information such as the type of browser you are using or your computer’s operating system. We use “cookies” which is a small computer file that creates a small computer file stored on your computer’s hard drive which can then help us understand anonymous information and patterns about visitors to our websites (see “link to cookie notice”). Our cookies do not contain any Personal Data. Your browser software will allow you to delete cookies if you do not wish us to collect this information from you.


Why do we process your data?

We may collect your data for you to become a business partner or volunteer or so that you can:

•          enter a contest;

•          participate in our website activities (such as submitting and/or recording videos, participating in blogs and posting comments); and

•          receive any newsletters or special offers when you “opt-in” to receive such information or offers.


Processing your data as a legitimate interest

We may use non-personally identifiable aggregate information to help us improve our website and tailor it to the types of visitors we get by assessing general usage patterns and demographic information.

The purpose of our collection of Personal Data is so that we can:

  1. administer contests (select entrants and determine prize winners);
  2. response to your questions or comments;
  3. run chat rooms and discussion boards;
  4. keep aggregate information on website use; and
  5. provide a tailored approach to subjects who contact us on multiple occasions.


Who do we share your information with?

We may share your information with third parties who need the Personal Data to provide services on our behalf. However, these third parties are required to maintain the confidentiality of your Personal Data and are prohibited from using the Personal Data for any other purpose. For instance, by participating and entering contests, submitting videos and participating in discussion boards, you will have agreed to the sharing of your Personal Data with co-sponsors of any contest or with any sponsor or third party participant providing services on our behalf on any discussion boards.


How long do we keep your data for?

We will only keep your Personal Data for the length of time that is reasonable (for instance, so long as necessary to administer the contest and a short period afterwards to provide proof that it was fair). If we have answered a question or concern you raise with us appropriately, then we will destroy any Personal Data collected from you after dealing with your concern.


How do we protect your information?

Any Personal Data you provide will be kept confidential and only used for the specific purposes it was collected for. We will not disclose or sell your Personal Data to any third party unless required by law or with your consent.


Processing your data with your consent

There will be circumstances where we will only process your data if we have your consent to do so. Your consent to our use of Personal Data can be withdrawn at any time. For instance, you can always “opt-out” of receiving any special offers or our newsletter at any time if you change your mind down the road. We also seek your permission to use your data for direct marketing activities, see below for further details.


Using your data for direct marketing

With your permission, we and other companies may contact you by email, phone, SMS, and post/mail about products and services we feel will be of benefit to you; this will include activities such as competitions and specific offers.

This permission is collected from you but we may also contact/speak to you about your preferences through any of our ongoing contact with you.


Your rights

You have a number of rights in relation to your personal data. For example you:

•          can ask for a copy of your personal data through a Subject Access Request;

•          can ask for your information to be corrected if it is inaccurate;

•          can ask for the processing of your data to be restricted whilst we may be resolving an issue;

•          can ask for your data to be deleted; and

•          have the right to data portability.

If you wish to exercise one of your rights please email gdpr@jorvikradio.com or write to The Centre @ Burnholme, Mossdale Avenue, York, England, YO31 0HA and we will review your request and come back to you within 30 days.


Links to other sites

Please note that although we may provide links to other sites, Jorvik Radio is in no way responsible for the privacy practices of these sites so please read the privacy notices on those sites too.


  • Love In The Morning

    9:00am - Noon

    Bringing you the best in local news, views and interviews from in and around York as well as great music to boot.